In these challenging times for the heritage sector, maximising revenue has never been more vital. If you’re looking for custom-made, budget-conscious merchandise that generates real income, Memory Lane can offer you a whole range of solutions.
The more distinct your products are, the greater your sales will be. That’s why we focus on creating original, tailored products – books, giftware, multimedia and more that will also enrich your visitor experience, enhance your brand and add enormous value to your retail offer.
We do this through curation – by transforming the gems in your archive into desirable products that tell your special story. And we offer a full product design and development service from first concepts right through to manufacture, managing the whole production process on your behalf to the budget you set.
What we’ve achieved on behalf of some of the UK’s top tourist destinations, we can achieve for you – whatever the size or nature of your attraction. And if you’re not absolutely clear about what may be right for you, that’s no problem. We deal in ideas – and we love a challenge! Contact us now to discuss how our bespoke approach could help revitalise your giftshop sales.

As our work for clients such as Buckingham Palace, The Imperial War Museum and St Paul’s Cathedral shows, we are expert curators who can transform the treasures in your archive into imaginative, compelling and eminently saleable commemorative product. Take a look through our portfolio below and discover how our dedicated bespoke service could work for you…


Call us on +44 (0)1708 454 054 or email us at: bespoke@memory-lane.co.uk to arrange a FREE no-obligation creative consultation.
Or drop us your details below and we’ll call you straight back.
We offer a FREE initial consultation in which you can tell us your plans and ideas and we’ll explore how we can help you.
We see this very much as a ‘getting to know you’ visit, giving you a taste of what we can offer and helping us to understand all the things that make your heritage site so unique and special.
If you like what you hear, we’ll go away and develop some ideas and proposals for discussion with you. All without any commitment or obligation.